Mother angelica quote about an iron ball and a bird
Mother angelica quote about an iron ball and a bird

mother angelica quote about an iron ball and a bird

Although they might make you laugh, as they did me, there is a truth in these sayings that really should make one think. One of them made me laugh so hard, I had to get up and get a drink of water. The link above will take you to the EWTN catalog website where you can purchase the book if you so desire.Īs I said above, these 12 sayings that I am about to list for you made me laugh out loud. The “little book” was published in 2007 and was edited and has some additional material in it by Raymond Arroyo.

mother angelica quote about an iron ball and a bird

It’s great to see that Mother Angelica not only thought about them but also said or wrote them “out loud.” Why did they make me laugh out loud? Well, being in the position I am in as an evangelist (in a parish), sometimes these types of sayings come to mind, but often the filter in my head and mouth does the job a filter is supposed to do.

mother angelica quote about an iron ball and a bird

As I started to thumb through the pages thinking what I could write about, it came to me as I was laughing out loud (you know, LOL) that I could write on some of her funny, yet very truthful sayings. After searching for only a minute, I came upon the aforementioned book that I referenced above. Last night, after I arrived home from Easter brunch at my Mom’s with family and some new friends that my sister graciously asked to join us, I started thinking if I had any of Mother’s books in my personal library. If I don’t get there, it will remain empty.” No one else will ever use it or possess it or live in it. When we get to heaven, there will be many empty seats and many empty mansions, and they’ll stay that way forever because God has destined each of us for our specific degree of glory. In the book, Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday Spirituality, which I will draw from more shortly, Mother Angelica, says about “Your Place in Heaven” – I knew she had been sick for many years, and although the news is sad, we can also rejoice to know that she is in the presence of Jesus Christ. It is fitting that Mother Angelica entered eternal life on the day Our Jesus Christ rose from the dead – Easter Sunday! I found out about her passing as I was sitting on the couch watching the New York Rangers hockey game and looking at Facebook on my iPhone. As many of you probably know by now, Mother Mary Angelica, the founder of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) passed into eternal life yesterday afternoon around 5:00pm.

Mother angelica quote about an iron ball and a bird